Google Local Services Ads App Abandoned

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Author Alex Sparks
Alex Sparks
Published -

Beginning on January 6, 2024, Google will no longer maintain the Google Local Service Ads app, and it will no longer be downloadable. The app was designed to be a convenient tool for managing your LSA campaigns on the go. We think the application was dropped for either funding reasons or the total number of users. The app has horrible reviews on the mobile stores and we found that it wasn't as reliable as it should have been.

What Does This Mean for LSA Users?

While the app offered a streamlined way to:

  • Respond to messages from potential clients
  • View current LSA leads
  • Track LSA spending

These are some of the most important metrics to monitor for ranking and budgeting purposes.

OmniLocal App?

We are currently developing a new app to close this gap. The goal of this new app is to restore the ease of administering LSA campaigns on mobile devices while offering a flawless user experience.

For Now, Stick to the Desktop

Until the new app is released, LSA users will need to rely on the desktop version to manage their accounts. While this might require a bit more time and effort, it's a necessary step to ensure the smooth operation of your LSA campaigns.

Do You Need Help?

Do not hesitate to contact Google's support staff or reach out to us here at OmniLocal if you have any questions or worries about running your LSA campaigns during this change.