Organize your Gmail Inbox

Cover image for Organize your Gmail Inbox
Alex Sparks Co-Founder of OmniLocal
Alex Sparks
Updated - June 3, 2024

Sort your emails into different inbox tabs, like Social or Promotions. When you open Gmail, you won't have to see all emails at once.

How to add or remove tabs in Gmail

  1. On your computer, open Gmail.
  2. At the top right, click Settings See all settings.
  3. Click the Inbox tab.
  4. In the "Inbox type" section, select Default. Note: To hide all tabs, select another inbox type.
  5. In the "Categories" section, check the boxes of tabs you want to show. Note: You can't make new tabs; you can only show or hide existing ones.
  6. Scroll to the bottom, then click Save Changes.

Select tabs to enable

Primary: Person-to-person conversations.

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Promotions: Marketing, interests, social and political causes, and other promotion emails.

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Social: Messages from social networks.

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Updates: Personal, auto generated updates including confirmations, receipts, bills, and statements.

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Forums: Messages from online groups and discussion boards.

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Starred messages: Select to show stared messages from all tabs in the Primary tab.

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Benefits of Tabs

By leveraging Gmail tabs, you can clear your inbox quickly:

  • Enhanced Organization: Emails are neatly categorized, making it easier to find specific messages you need.
  • Reduced Clutter: Promotional offers and social updates no longer drown out important messages.
  • Increased Efficiency: Quickly scan specific tabs for updates without getting bogged down in irrelevant emails.

So, take charge of your inbox and join the ranks of the organized! Embrace the power of Gmail tabs and transform your inbox from a chaotic battleground to an oasis of email tranquility.